



Kanneliya–Dediyagala–Nakiyadeniya or KDN is a forest complex in southern Sri Lanka. The forest complex designated as a biosphere reserve in 2004 by UNESCO.
[1] The KDN complex is the last large remaining rainforest in Sri Lanka other than Sinharaja.
[2] This forest area has been identified as one of the floristically richest areas in South Asia.
[3] The forest complex is situated 35 km northwest of city of Galle. The rain forest is a major catchment area for two of the most important rivers in southern Sri Lanka, the Gin and Nilwala Rivers. This biosphere reserve harbors many plants and animal species endemic to Sri Lanka.

Physical features

The biosphere consists series of parallel mountain ranges and valleys. The elevation ranges from 60 m to 425 m above sea level.Mean annual temperature is 27.0 °C while annual temperature variation is 4 °C-5 °C. The forest receives a substantial rainfall of 3,750 mm. Many ancient taxonomic groups of Gondwana are present in these rain forests. They also relates to Indomalayan plants and animals


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